My friends mean alot to me, the ones that are present, the ones that are elsewhere, the friends I've lost and the friends still to come, life is all about social interaction with me.
Last night I went to see my Friends Jess and Rachel do a performance with My housemate Robin and Jess's boyfriend and housemate Tim (who is also a good friend!). it was a very thought provoking performance, afterwards we went and picked up and went to smoke up on Magdalen Hill, as we sat on top of this hill watching the City of Winch sparkle in the clear night sky, it occurred to me that I'm very lucky to have the friends I do have. The ones who are ALWAYS pleased to see me, even the people I live with no matter how much some of them might get on my nerves from time to time, I love them so much and couldn't live without having them as friends.
When I first met him, My best friends AJ was planning to move to Australia, the land of HIS heritage and where he wants to live for the rest of his life. now a good nine years later and that dream is going to become a reality.
I'm so pleased for him that he stuck to his dream and it is going to become real for him. I will of course miss him hugely, it'll be one less thing to go back to bury for. but I've gone my path and flourished, its time for him to do the same, I at least know that I'll get to spend his last summer in england with him and this pleases me greatly.
My blessings to you dude!
Meanwhile back in winch. I was meant to be going home this friday night, I'm still going to but the gang is getting together again for a LHC night, it might be the last I can afford to attend so I'm going home saturday morn instead, because I know it'll be off the hook, it always is with us.
I once said that everyday I wake up in Winch is different. This is still true, my friends create the diversity, these are the friends I'll never forget, they make my world go round.
The sad thing is that because of mine and Robin's predicament, most of our friends will be gone next year. I ignore this fact for as long as I can because it'll sadden me, but it gives an oppurtunity to milk this for as long as possible.
My new friends, people like Em and Norris and many others have also given me hope as they've become new elements in my new life. I look forward to knowing these people for a long time aswell.
Like I would my family, I would die for any of these friends because they gave me reason to live all my life.
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